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  • Writer's pictureChristel Jeffs

Great Love

"I have loved you just as the Father has loved Me; remain in My love (and do not doubt My love for you)." John 15:5 AMP

Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me...

The words from a popular worship song run through my head, bringing assurance to me on a day when the world is celebrating romantic love as the ultimate approval. I hope it also brings comfort to you if you're feeling the pinch of loneliness - whether or not you have a significant other.

Do not doubt that there is a God who loves you. Regardless of relationship status, regardless of how valued or special you may feel, the truth is this: the affirmation and adoration God freely gives will always be enough to satisfy our deep longings.

You know, God had every right to give up on us. Some days I think He should have given up on us - especially me. But no, that's not the God I know.

"God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. And since we have been made right in God's sight by the blood of Christ, He will certainly save us from God's condemnation." Romans 5:8-9 NLT (emphasis added)

He could have abandoned me, just as I abandoned Him. I still do, from time to time. But His love is too great; He cares too much. So He gave, He bled - His own Son, part of His being, laid out on the altar and sacrificed for me. And for you.

...the affirmation and adoration God freely gives will always be enough to satisfy our deep longings.

Nothing and no one could ever match the strength, the scandal, the height and depth of such love. Now I'm not saying that romantic love isn't beautiful. I see it all around me, and I rejoice with my friends and loved ones over this wonderful gift. Still, I know it is only temporary. It is for earth and not for heaven. I do not need to strive for attention or approval, because that is not what will matter in the end. What matters is that we find our rest, value and hope in the arms of God alone.

"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Philippians 3:8 NLT

"Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." Romans 5:5 AMP

Forevermore, couple or single, let us rest in the love of the King.

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