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  • Writer's pictureChristel Jeffs

Our Royal Duty

Another little one in the royal family - regardless of your thoughts regarding the public's fascination with William and Catherine, the avid interest in this child's name tells me that they are universally adored by millions. And I, for one, love it when we have some good news circulating in the world.

George, Charlotte and their baby brother are loved by many who will never know them. But I have to wonder - while it's easy for us to feel affection for a family miles away, sometimes it's hard to do the same for those closest to us...and who possibly need it the most.

As princes and princesses of the Most High King, we are in the public eye every day. As ambassadors for a holy monarchy ruled by Jesus Christ, the creed for us to follow is simple: love. Is there someone at church who always sits alone? Perhaps next Sunday you could warm that empty seat. What about the exasperating boss or nagging spouse? There’s always something going on beneath the surface; an act of appreciation may touch them more than you realise.

“Therefore I…beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” Ephesians 4:1-2

William and Catherine were simply glowing as they showed off their baby, and one can’t help but smile at the footage of William walking to the hospital with George and Charlotte trotting along beside him. We like seeing their happiness and enjoy it from afar – but let’s see what we can do to bring happiness here, to our own backyards and homes.

After all, it is our royal duty.

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