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  • Writer's pictureChristel Jeffs

Stepping on the lake

The waves are rolling. The sky is a terrible black. The wind is strong and the water churns – like the stomachs of twelve men who are struggling in this storm. The sail is ready to snap, their bodies are frozen, and the boat is swirling in the middle of the lake with a long way to go.

But then, one man points across the water in a panic. “Look! What is it?”

A figure is walking toward them. His footsteps are too steady to be human, his eyes completely fixed on the trembling boat.

“It’s a ghost!” the men cry, and they cling to the boat screaming. Immediately a voice calls out to them. “Courage! It’s me. Don’t be afraid!”

It’s Jesus! The relief! Of course, who else would it be? But Peter, forever a Jesus fanatic, is keen to find out truly if this is his friend. Leaping from the boat in response to Jesus, he starts walking on water – the only human able to do so.

What lakes have you stepped out on recently? A great adventure beckons and you’re ready to leap up and do it. But sometimes the way is hard, unsteady. Maybe you‘re so overwhelmed in a storm that the very ground beneath you is like a watery grave.

Peter suddenly feels the wind threatening to tip him sideways. He looks at the giant waves in fear and with a yell begins to sink. ”Save me Lord!” Straight away Jesus reaches out and grabs Peter’s hand – but where did the power enabling him to walk go?

When he started looking at the circumstances around him, Peter forgot who was giving him that power. We must never take our eyes off the One who is faithful to rescue us and bring us through any situation. It may be terrifying right now, the waves too big to fathom – but don’t be afraid. When you step out on your lakes, look to Jesus. He will keep you walking.

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